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 The Most Amazing Secrets Revealed About Money


Shocking Money Management System Revealed that Changes Everything!

Register to watch the webinar that will change everything you know about managing money.
“Money Stop Managing Me!”
is sure to teach you how to build an easy to use personal money management system that will help you continually build wealth, eliminate debt, and pay your bills on time, GUARANTEED.


People were stunned that they learned so much from this webinar!

Thousands of People will never manage Money the same way again!


"Life changing."

"...no doubt about it!"

"Priceless information!"

"...mind blown..."

"This event was excellent..."

"...so informative..."

"It was awesome!!"

"I really enjoyed this..."

"This event was just superb!"

"...absolutely awesome..."

"Sound information..."

"...I learned a lot!"

Take Control of Your Finances and Eliminate Fear!

You don't have to live in anxiety, fear or stress of managing money anymore.
This FREE training will help you take control of your finances and make this year your most stress-free year ever! Join us and stop worrying about your money.

Manage Whatever Money You Have with PURPOSE by Learning These Skills:

  • ​Learn the seven goals of financial stability so you can improve where you are financially and live the life you want.
  • ​Get an inside look into the tools and strategies that will put you in control of your finances and stop money from managing your life.
  • ​Learn how to access your true cash position, so you can have peace of mind understanding where you stand at all times.
  • ​Understand why it’s critical you learn the rules of the credit game to improve your score and win!
  • ​Learn how you can leverage this one tool for all of your investing, credit cards, saving, budgeting, and financial planning needs.

"Very informative..."

"Very enlightening."

We are always in a battle against ourselves and trying to figure out how to dig deeper and remove limits to our success.

You Are a CEO, Inc. is a company created by Michael E. Parker that is dedicated to showing people how to live in what we call The House of Achievement. And in this house, there are pillars and elements we all need to achieve success. One of the key parts in that house is Wealth, which includes proper money management and financial literacy. 

No matter who we are or where we are from, money is something we all have to deal with to survive and live the life that we want.  
Money is a resource to get the things that you need and if you're lucky many things that you want. If you don't manage your money properly it will always be an issue, and money will surely end up managing you. 

Money is the ability for me to have what I want. But what do I want, and why do I want it?  The bottom line is this, if you don't manage what you have in the most responsible way, you'll never be able to have all of the things that you want.  You could also end up in the devastating situation of no longer having enough to cover what you need.  This is one of the reasons the homeless rate today is at an all time high.  Many times just one bad decision changed everything or just too much time went by being negligent and inattentive to what was financially critical.
Any business owner or entrepreneur will be the first to tell you an essential part of being a CEO is they must watch their money. They have to watch the cash flow. They have to see what's really going on.  At all times they must know what money is flowing into their business and what money is flowing out. 

Did you know the EXACT same thinking should apply to our personal lives?  The challenge is many times in our personal life we don't think like entrepreneurs of business owners.  We don't think like CEO's and we tend to manage money from different places of emotion and examples we have learned either consciously or unconsciously.

"Totally Mind-Blowing!"

"Great Session!"

"Very Transformational."

"I wish I knew..."

"I learned so much..."

"It was a great event."

Sometimes the very thought of managing money brings great anxiety, fear, and stress. 

According to a report on CNBC, 77% of Americans feel anxious over their financial situation. WOW, 77%! 

This means that most of us are in the same boat about the stress of having enough money to meet life's demands, no matter how big or small.

This is why it is so important to learn how to manage whatever money you have with purpose using a clear strategy and approach that's safe for your specific financial situation. 
You cannot manage what you can't see. And you cannot manage the picture unless you see the whole picture. 
Proper Money management gives you the power to see where you are financially and live your life with purpose on purpose.  When you know what you are doing you can ultimately position yourself to create wealth and incredible financial security. You can't afford to miss this! Don’t wait.

Whatever your money goals are, anything you can do  to increase the chances of you always having enough money when you need it is worth it.  Understanding a money management system and approach that can give ANYONE true peace of mind and clear direction is GROUNDBREAKING!

Get the strategy and tools you need to manage your money.

You don't have to keep living with the stress of money on your mind. This FREE training will help you TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK and put your finances in there proper place, listening to you!

"A Wealth of Knowledge."

"...planning is great..."

"...absolutely outstanding!!!"

"Priceless to say the least!"

About Michael E. Parker

Michael E. Parker specializes in motivating and inspiring people to strive for excellence in life and in business. An award winning entrepreneur, Fortune 100 consultant, and author.  Michael is also a dynamic and engaging speaker who has spoken at over 1,000 events throughout the US, Canada, and the Pacific Rim.

Prior to starting his own companies, Michael worked for Toyota Motor Manufacturing and received direct training on the Toyota Production System and Lean Management Philosophy in Japan, Canada, and throughout the United States. In his career, he has managed and led Lean management programs for multi-million dollar organizations in both the service and manufacturing industries.

After seeing how Lean could be used to improve operations in the manufacturing industry, Michael decided to expand his experience and knowledge to the service industry. He started and expanded more than 20 companies across multiple industries while creating a new management philosophy.  Michael has created over $1,000,000 dollars in technology to develop people, professionals, and entrepreneurs.  Michael's superpower is making complicated things simple and getting people to achieve their goals beyond their normal limitations and obstacles.

Never let fear and insecurities about money haunt you again!

Just keeping it moving and acting like you really don't have any concerns about managing money IS NOT THE ANSWER! In the end you lose.  Break the cycle by learning what you need to do.

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